The updated regulations and standards set by the Tanzanian Authority for the labeling of electronic communications equipment (ECE), covering aspects such as display methods, types of labels, labeling requirements, and label design principles is now officially in effect.
Display of Label
Labelling involves affixing a label and a specified Type Approval number on the Type Approved ECE which is made or imported into the Tanzania market, indicating its compliance with the Authority’s technical standards and requirements for the purpose of improving consumer’s confidence in products and services in Tanzania.
Every importer or distributor shall ensure that an equipment offered for sale or for private use is clearly affixed with the type approval label.

Type of Labels
Labelling of ECE shall be done either by using physical label or e-label (electronic label). Physical labelling shall be used using materials such as a sticker, tag, or any other related material attached or affixed to an ECE, packaging, or surface. An e-label shall be displayed electronically, usually on a screen or a digital interface.
Labeling Requirements
- All equipment that have been type approved and received a type approval certificate, before being imported and placed in the market, must have a legible label permanently affixed to such equipment.
- The label may be physically or electronically affixed (e-label) or embedded to the type approved equipment. For e-labelling, it is the manufacturer’s sole responsibility to ensure that such label is not altered.
- The label may also be affixed to the packaging and or included in the user manual, although such placement is not obligatory unless, due to constraints related to the product’s size or other design characteristics, the ECE itself cannot be labelled directly. In such instances, it is mandatory to affix the label to both the product package and the user documentation accompanying the ECE before it is displayed or made available for sale.
- Physical label must be protected against damage, such as scratching and ultraviolet (UV) exposure that may lead to the information on the labelling becoming illegible.
- The label shall be affixed under the responsibility of the manufacturer, his authorized representative in Tanzania, or the party responsible for placing the ECE on the Tanzania market.
Label Design
The label for type-approved electronic communications equipment shall be designed to meet both physical and digital requirements as follows:
- The text on the label shall have an Arial font style with the size of at least 5, and shall guarantee readability under varying lighting conditions.
- The label shall employ either black or white fonts, with the choice determined by the surface on which it is to be presented to ensure that the label is readable under different conditions.
- The e-label shall mirror the same requirement and design principles as the physical label adapting the same font style, color and size on various screen sizes, assuring clarity and clear viewing across devices.
- The label shall be designed to appear as below. XXXXXX/XXX/XXXX are alphanumeric characters drawn from the issued type approval certificate number for the equipment.
- The label will be provided after type approval of a particular equipment, and shall be accessible from the online portal.

This update was adapted from the document ‘Guidelines for Type Approval of Electronic Communications Equipment.’
Document number: TCRA/DICT/CRTM/GUD-TAECE/001, Ver 1.0 – November 2023
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