Sri Lanka: TRCSL’s Spectrum Roadmap Embraces Wi-Fi 6E

The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) has announced its spectrum roadmap for 2024-2029.

This strategic plan sets the stage for enhanced digital connectivity. A key feature is the approval of Wi-Fi 6E in the 5.925-7.125 GHz frequency band. This move aims to enhance internet speeds, support high-bandwidth applications, foster technological innovation, and improve service quality for wireless providers.

By integrating Wi-Fi 6E, Sri Lanka is positioning itself to meet the growing demand for high-speed internet, ensuring robust connectivity for the future. Access the detailed spectrum roadmap on TRCSL’s website linked here

Quick Country Facts

Sri Lanka

Certification Body:Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL)

Certification Type: Mandatory

License Validity: 4 Years

Application Language: English

Legal License Holder: Available with Access Manager

In-Country Testing Requirement: Available with Access Manager 

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