South Africa: Phased Shutdown of 2G and 3G Networks Begins Soon

The South African government has announced a comprehensive plan to phase out 2G and 3G networks, aiming for a complete shutdown by December 2027. This decision is part of the new Next Generation Radio Frequency Spectrum Policy for Economic Development, which seeks to promote efficient spectrum usage and facilitate the deployment of more advanced network technologies, such as 4G and 5G. 

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Key Deadlines for the Shutdown

The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) has outlined the following major deadlines in the phased approach: 

  • Prohibition of 2G and 3G-only devices: By September 30, 2024, no new 2G or 3G-only devices will be approved for use. 
  • End of new activations: By December 31, 2024, no new 2G or 3G-only devices will be activated on networks. 
  • Start of network shutdown: By June 1, 2025, the shutdown of 2G and 3G services will commence. 
  • Complete shutdown: By December 31, 2027, all 2G and 3G networks in South Africa will be fully decommissioned. 

Reasons & Challenges with the Shutdown

The main driver behind the 2G and 3G shutdown is the need to free up spectrum for more efficient and advanced technologies like 4G and 5G. The older technologies are less efficient in spectrum usage, and the government aims to leverage the ‘high-demand spectrum’ to enhance broadband access, particularly in rural and underserved areas. The shutdown will also support efforts to lower communication costs for South Africans by encouraging the adoption of newer technologies. 

While the shutdown presents a clear path toward modernizing the country’s digital infrastructure, it also brings challenges such as device affordability. A significant portion of South African consumers still rely on 3G-enabled devices, which tend to be more affordable than 4G or 5G alternatives. Also, industry adaptation is tricky as 2G networks are widely used for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, such as vehicle tracking, point-of-sale devices, and certain legacy emergency services systems. These systems will need to transition to newer technologies. 

Reasons & Challenges with the Shutdown

In addition to the network shutdown, the new spectrum policy aims to reform the country’s spectrum management regime. The 2023 policy, replacing the outdated 2010 policy, focuses on: 

  • Spectrum assignment and renewal clarity 
  • Promoting competition by addressing gaps in spectrum management 
  • Encouraging the deployment of next-generation networks like 5G 
  • Lowering the cost of communication for all citizens 

This comprehensive plan also emphasizes the harmonization of spectrum across South Africa’s borders, ensuring efficient use and promoting a stable regulatory environment for future developments. 

Click here to download the official announcement. 

Quick Country Facts

South Africa

Certification Body: Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA)

Certification Type: Mandatory

License Validity: Indefinite

Application Language: English

Legal License Holder: Available with Access Manager

In-Country Testing Requirement: Available with Access Manager 

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