Paraguay: Implementing 5G through updating 3300MHz to 3700MHz Frequency Plan

Paraguay's National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) has made key changes to the National Frequency Allocation Plan (PNAF).

This has affected several frequency bands through Resolición Directorio No. 1752/2024. The resolution Modifies Nation Note PRG-71 and Eliminates National Note PRG-75.  

The revised PNAF introduces several notable modifications aimed at improving the allocation and use of radio frequencies. One of the primary changes involves the reallocation of frequency bands previously assigned to various services. This adjustment seeks to address the increasing demand for spectrum in emerging technologies, including mobile broadband and satellite communications. 

paraguay on blue world map

Additionally, the new regulations emphasize stricter compliance measures for frequency usage. Operators are now required to adhere to updated technical standards and operational practices to minimize interference and optimize spectrum efficiency. This includes more rigorous requirements for spectrum monitoring and reporting. 

Summary of Key Updates

Band Reallocations

  • 3.300-3.400 MHz: Now allocated to mobile services as a main use, including IMT systems, cellular telephony, and Internet access. 
  • 3.400-3.700 MHz: This band was previously for fixed services but will now be progressively transferred to mobile services. Fixed systems will need to cease operations by the set deadline. 
  • 3.600-3.700 MHz: Temporarily allocated to fixed satellite services until the deadline. 

Sub-Band Allocation

  • The 3.300-3.700 MHz range is divided into eight 50 MHz sub-bands: 
  • Sub-band A: 3300-3350 MHz 
  • Sub-band B: 3350-3400 MHz 
  • Sub-band C: 3400-3450 MHz 
  • Sub-band D: 3450-3500 MHz 
  • Sub-band E: 3500-3550 MHz 
  • Sub-band F: 3550-3600 MHz 
  • Sub-band G: 3600-3650 MHz 
  • Sub-band H: 3650-3700 MHz 

Elimination of National Note PRG-75

  • National Note PRG-75 has been removed to support the reconfiguration of the 3.300-3.700 MHz frequency band. 

Click here to read the official resolution. 

Quick Country Facts


Certification Body: The National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL)

Certification Type: Mandatory

License Validity: 60 months

Application Language: Spanish

Legal License Holder: Available with Access Manager

In-Country Testing Requirement: Available with Access Manager 

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