Nigeria: Type Approval Labeling Update

Nigeria’s Type Approval process for communications equipment has undergone updates to ensure compliance with new standards. These changes affect the labeling requirements for devices, particularly regarding IoT devices and cybersecurity. The updates enhance clarity and enforce guidelines to maintain product consistency across the country. 

nigeria on world map

Key Changes in Labeling Requirements

Enhanced Cybersecurity Requirements: To ensure the safety of devices in Nigeria, the new regulations emphasize cybersecurity. This includes IoT devices, which now fall under mandatory approval procedures. 

Labeling Updates: All communication equipment approved by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) must now carry a label that meets the following specifications: 

  • Characters must appear in black against a white background. 
  • Font sizes must be at least 2mm in height. 
  • Labels can vary in width, height, and line numbers, offering manufacturers some flexibility in design. 
  • The placement of the label must adhere to Section 10 of the Type Approval Guidelines. 

Label Placement and Flexibility

  • Physical Label Placement: The label must be placed near the model number of the product. Additionally, it can also appear on the packaging and user manual for better identification. 
  • Alternative E-Labeling: For devices with digital displays or remote login capabilities, electronic labeling (e-labeling) may be permitted as an alternative to physical labels. However, if e-labeling is used, manufacturers must still include the label on the packaging. 
  • Packaging Requirements: Regardless of whether physical or e-labeling is used, the product packaging must display key information, including the model number. Manufacturers can also opt for modern labeling solutions such as QR codes for quick identification. 

Compliance and Further Instructions

All labels, whether physical or electronic, must strictly adhere to the specifications outlined in Appendix 2 of the Business Rules. The updated labeling guidelines aim to streamline product approval processes while ensuring that Nigerian consumers have access to clearly marked, secure products. 

Click here to download the Legal Regulations of the Type Approval Regulation and click here to download the Legal Business Rules. 

Quick Country Facts


Certification Body: Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) 

Certification Type: Mandatory

License Validity: Indefinite

Application Language: English

Legal License Holder: Available with Access Manager

In-Country Testing Requirement: Available with Access Manager 

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