We’ve got you covered with the latest and upcoming regulation changes happening around the world! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest developments within the industry. Check out our June Regulatory Newsletter below!
On May 26th, MIIT (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) published draft technical requirements and test methods pertaining to Wireless LAN devices to support IPv6. These draft requirements are still under review and open for comment, and can be viewed in the following link here.
Once these requirements are finalized, we will provide the official publication.

In April, the Communications and Media Commission (CMC) of Iraq has issued a new type approval regulation. Please refer to the main change as below.
- A new type of type approval certificate (“family certificate”) will be issued for models with the same technical specifications, but different model names. NOTE- the Iraq authority will charge a fee/per model name.
- A type approval certificate is granted for any wireless or wired telecommunications equipment according to the types of devices and conditions listed in the regulation.
- The Iraq CB reserves the right to request a sample device.
- High powered devices may be subject to licensing.
The MPT authority issued the MPT Regulation 3583/KTS- which went into place May 2023. This will impact MPT type approvals. Below are the main changes:
- Validity Period: 1 Year to 3 Years
- Product category: Type 1: Cellular bands used device and Type 2: SRD used device
- Application fee: Increased about 3X
SIRIM / ST is reverting to their original SIRIM process of conducting two (2) surveillance inspections for each annual renewal period. Going forward, all renewals this year will need to conduct 2 surveillance inspection. Below are the details of the surveillance process:
1st Surveillance inspection.
- Surveillance inspection at factory/manufacturer (on-site) OR
- Surveillance inspection at factory/manufacturer (remote) OR
- Surveillance Local warehouse inspection:
- Sampling certified models to verify ST-SIRIM labels on products.
- Sampling one certified model for verification purpose (and comparing against the test report). This verification will be conducted at the warehouse/ applicant premises/ SIRIM office.
- To check records of usage of ST-SIRIM labels.
- To check inbound and outbound records for certified model(s).
- To check warehouse SOP
- If label is applied at the warehouse, the process of sticking label will be audited.
Note: * subject to acceptance by SIRIM project officer and size of product.
2nd Surveillance inspection (for renewal license)
Surveillance inspections will be at factory/manufacturer (on-site)

Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea’s National Information & Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) issued the ICT Equipment Type Approval Telecom Rules – effective immediately. The main updates are:
- Certificate validity is now only 3 years.
- NICTA will issue a renewal notice for certificates set to expire within 30 days, in which certificate holders must pay the renewal fee prior to the expiration date or face cancellation of the certificate.
Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Arabia Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization has announced that beginning June 30th, 2023, the energy efficiency labels department will implement the following changes:
- New Energy efficiency applications must be submitted through the accounts of the manufacturer or importer.
- Applications will not be transferred to third parties from the manufacturer or importer.
- All renewal applications must be submitted through the accounts of the manufacturers or importers.
Vietnam MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) issued decision No 14/2023/QD-TTg on May 24th, 2023. This decision outlined the EE requirements for new equipment, and also updated the new standards of those that in the existing product list. Below are the new products mentioned in the publication:
- LED lamps
- Infrared hobs
- Induction hobs
- Refrigerators
- Notebook computers
- Desktop computers
The effective date for the new products will be on 1st April 2025
Type Approvals for MTIT Resume: Over the last few months, type approvals were on hold /very delayed with the Yemen Ministry of Telecom and Information Technology (MTIT). Although there are many pending applications which has created a backlog, we are now seeing certificates being issued again. Some delays are due to the fact that MTIT has requested that many of the older applications be resubmitted under a new format.