Enhancing Certification Transparency in Automotive with Advanced Launch Date Tracking

Obtaining global regulatory certifications for wireless products is a demanding task. The process can be long, costly, and require significant resources to support and manage. 

Automotive industry manufacturers of wireless technologies such as infotainment systems, telematics devices, sensors, etc. are particularly challenged as these types of products typically require multiple types of certifications (Radio, Safety, EMC, Security & Encryption) in every country around the world.  

One of the most challenging issues that manufacturers face is trying to estimate when to initiate certification efforts as every country has their own process and lead time. Completing all certifications at the same time is fraught with risk and requires a level of project control that is traditionally difficult to achieve. That being said, it is really the only way to ensure manufacturers meet customer deadlines.  


So, the question is, how do Tier 1 manufacturers of wireless technologies stay informed in real-time and achieve the level of project control needed to proactively manage delays?

Global Validity’s Access Manager platform was developed with this exact concern in mind.  We leveraged technology and years of experience to create a project management solution that provides manufacturers with an actionable view into their country certification projects. Imagining seeing the exact project views your service provider is also seeing, transparently and real-time! 

Advanced Launch Date Tracking enables manufacturers to input their certification deadline (s) while our technology automatically calculates major milestone dates for each country by analyzing and calculating   

  • Country specific documentation review periods 
  • Application submission and in-country testing timelines 
  • Certificate issuance lead times 

Making matters even more difficult is managing certification projects that have large country lists which increases the probability of unexpected delays. Access to Global Validity’ technology and expertise reduces risk while providing the best opportunity for proactive mitigation, communication, and success. 

We recognize that obtaining global regulatory certifications for wireless products is a challenging and resource-intensive process, especially for automotive industry manufacturers. We’re excited to be at the forefront of digital transformation in the global certification industry. We are committed to helping manufacturers obtain on-time country certifications with a transparent, controlled and predictable certification process.

If you’d like to learn more about how Global Validity can help ‘tech enable’ your company’s success, we’d love to hear from you!  

Contact us now for a fast, accurate quote.

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