vietnam regulatory update graphic over world picture

Vietnam: SAR Phone Regulation Draft Consultation

On April 25, 2024, the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) discussed the draft technical regulation for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in mobile phones, known as QCVN 134:2024/BTTTT. The regulation will cover both imported and locally manufactured mobile phones categorized under HS codes 8517.13.00 and 8517.14.00. These devices are included in Circular 02/2024/TT-BTTTT, requiring Technical…

brazil regulatory update on top of globe graphic

Brazil: ANATEL’s New Testing Requirements for Mobile Phone Chargers

This week (April 17th), ANATEL published Act 5155, replacing the current Act 5159. Effective October 14th, 2024, this new regulation introduces updated testing requirements for mobile phone chargers. Revised Testing Parameters Under Act 5155, testing requirements for mobile phone chargers have been enhanced to ensure safety and reliability. This includes rigorous testing, including 1,000 cycles…

panama regulatory update

Panama: ASEP Allocates New Spectrum for International Mobile Telecommunications

The National Public Service Administration (ASEP) of Panama has made significant strides in the allocation of spectrum for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) following Public Consultation No. 002-2021. This decision, reflected in Announcement No. 19090-Telco issued on April 1, 2024, introduces new bands for personal communication services and cellular mobile phone services. New Spectrum Bands According…

vietnam regulatory update graphic over world picture

Vietnam: ICT Equipment Regulation Update

Vietnam implements new regulations on ICT equipment certification and circular 02/2024/TT-BTTTT explained On March 29, 2024, the Vietnam Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) took a significant step in regulating the certification and conformity of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) equipment by issuing Circular 02/2024/TT-BTTTT. This circular, which comes into effect on May 15, 2024,…

Indonesia regulatory update on globe

Indonesia: Implementation of Specific Absorption Rate Requirements

In a bid to ensure the safety and compliance of mobile telecommunication devices, Indonesia has taken a significant step by officially implementing SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) limits for such devices. This move, announced by SDPPI (Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology), comes in accordance with Decree Number 177 of 2024,…

brazil regulatory update on top of globe graphic

Brazil: ANATEL Cybersecurity Testing Scope for CPE Equipment

Due to questions and unclear alignment from industry representatives, Anatel released Official Letter 100/2024 on March 20th clarifying that cybersecurity testing does not apply to CPE devices exclusively used in corporate environments. This clarification addresses discrepancies among Designated Certification Bodies (OCDs) and industry inquiries. ANATEL Act nº 2436, effective March 10th, 2024, sets mandatory cybersecurity…

tanzania regulatory update graphic

Tanzania: Type Approval Regulatory Update Now in Effect

The updated regulations and standards set by the Tanzanian Authority for the labeling of electronic communications equipment (ECE), covering aspects such as display methods, types of labels, labeling requirements, and label design principles is now officially in effect. Display of Label Labelling involves affixing a label and a specified Type Approval number on the Type…

China Regulatory Update Graphic with globe background

China: Navigating New SRRC Regulations

What manufacturers need to know about new regulations for radio transmitting equipment in China. The Chinese Ministry of Information Technology (MIIT) has introduced new regulations affecting the type approval process for radio transmitting equipment, effective from October 15th, with a two-year transitional period. These regulations, outlined in Regulation No. 129, impose additional tests for wireless…

Bhutan: BICMA Launches Online Licensing System for 5G Spectrum

As the demand for mobile broadband services in Bhutan grows, the Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority (BICMA) has made a significant announcement. On February 20, 2024, BICMA published the 26GHz Band Plan, allocating the n258 band (24.3 – 27.5 GHz) for IMT services. To address Quality of Service (QoS) challenges and limited land space, telecom operators…