Bhutan: BICMA Launches Online Licensing System for 5G Spectrum

As the demand for mobile broadband services in Bhutan grows, the Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority (BICMA) has made a significant announcement. On February 20, 2024, BICMA published the 26GHz Band Plan, allocating the n258 band (24.3 – 27.5 GHz) for IMT services. To address Quality of Service (QoS) challenges and limited land space, telecom operators…

botswana regulatory update graphic

Botswana: Type Approval Exemptions

The Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) recently released a Type Approval Exemption List. Note that in August 2023, the BOCRA communicated the original list of equipment exempt from type approval as stated below: Personal computers, laptops, tablets, IoT etc. (embedding WiFi transceivers, Bluetooth transceivers, provided the Wi-Fi transceiver, Wi-Fi5 CERTIFIED) Receive-only equipment (FM/MW/SW radios, TV,…

India regulatory update

India: MTCTE Extension Date for Mandatory Certification Products

Within India’s MTCTE scheme, encompassing Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipment, there are 44 products designated under Phases III and IV. However, the date for mandatory certification has been extended by three months for 12 specific product types, shifting from January 1 to April 1 of the current year These 12 product types include…

India regulatory update

India: BIS Updates Parallel Testing Guidelines

The Bureau of Indian Standards recently released the guidelines for implementing parallel testing for products covered in the Electronics and Information Technology Goods order. Recent guidelines by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) introduce parallel testing for electronics and IT hardware products, potentially saving 4 to 13 weeks in the compliance process, as confirmed by…

turkey regulatory update

Turkey: KKDIK Extends Key Regulatory Registration Deadlines

The highly anticipated REACH (KKDIK) Regulation was published in the Turkey Official Gazette late last year in December 2023. This amendment, officially titled “Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals,” marks a huge update in Turkey in the regulatory landscape for chemicals. Extension Overview The recently published amendment brings…

Morocco: Embracing 5G Implementation Nationwide

Morocco: Embracing 5G Implementation Nationwide

In a significant stride towards the digital future, Morocco’s National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT) is leading the charge with the introduction of 5G technology in the country. Main Morocco Telecom Providers Prepare for 5G Implementation With a well-established mobile market boasting a 137.5 percent penetration rate, Morocco is setting its sights on a cutting-edge digital…

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Mexico: IFT Announces Mandatory IFT Seal for Approved Products

The IFT has made it official: the IFT Mark is now a mandatory requirement for homologated products. On December 26th, 2023, Mexico’s Telecommunications Regulator ‘IFT’ published their official guidelines for the mandatory use of the IFT Seal on approved telecommunications and broadcasting products. This development reinforces the requirement for IFT marking and provides clarity on…

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Vietnam: New MIC Technical Regulation Takes Effect

MIC introduces QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT Electrical Safety standard for ICT and ITE products such as TVs, laptops, tablets, desktop PCs, DECT phones, and set-top-boxes. Effective January 1, 2024 Circular 24/2022/TT-BTTTT along with QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT Electrical Safety standards was enacted by the Vietnam MIC. This safety standard is based on IEC 62368-1:2018 and includes electrical safety requirements…

trinidad and tobago regulatory update title over globe

Trinidad and Tobago: Introduction of 5 Year Certification Validity Period

Effective immediately, Trinidad & Tobago has officially revised its regulations to implement a 5-year validity period for certifications. Previously, certificates were issued with indefinite validity. This update applies to all products currently certified in the country, and it is crucial to take note of the issuance date of your existing certificate. Consider the following with…

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Brazil: ANATEL’s Latest Updates on Safety and IPv6 Standards

ANATEL has issued three new Official Letters concerning the updated Safety standard (Act 17087) and the new IPv6 standard (Act 7971). 463/2023 & 466/2023 Official Letter 463/2023 provides additional insights into the upcoming enforcement of the new Safety standard, Act 17087/2022, starting on December 27th, 2023. Key points include: Laboratories previously authorized for testing under…

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Argentina: ENACOM Approves 5G NR Device Authorization

The Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones (ENACOM) in Argentina, on December 5, 2023, issued Resolution 2097/2023, ushering in significant changes. This latest resolution permits the approval of 5G NR devices within Argentina, specifically endorsing their use within the n78 band (3300-3700 MHz). It also introduces Chapter V, dedicated to 5G NR, to the local technical standard….