brazil regulatory update on top of globe graphic

Brazil: ANATEL’s New Testing Requirements for Mobile Phone Chargers

This week (April 17th), ANATEL published Act 5155, replacing the current Act 5159. Effective October 14th, 2024, this new regulation introduces updated testing requirements for mobile phone chargers. Revised Testing Parameters Under Act 5155, testing requirements for mobile phone chargers have been enhanced to ensure safety and reliability. This includes rigorous testing, including 1,000 cycles…

Bhutan: BICMA Launches Online Licensing System for 5G Spectrum

As the demand for mobile broadband services in Bhutan grows, the Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority (BICMA) has made a significant announcement. On February 20, 2024, BICMA published the 26GHz Band Plan, allocating the n258 band (24.3 – 27.5 GHz) for IMT services. To address Quality of Service (QoS) challenges and limited land space, telecom operators…