israel regulatory update

Israel: Ministry of Communications Eases Security Camera Import Regulations

Israel’s Ministry of Communications recently revealed an update in regulations now permiting individuals to freely import security cameras and video doorbells for personal use without any restrictions in place. This shift is a part of an initiative aimed at simplifying administrative processes and enhancing the availability of cutting edge security technology for the general public.   The…

Malaysia Regulatory Update Graphic

Malaysia: IPv6 Testing Now Required for Full Product Approval

On February 10, 2025, the Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) announced the availability of testing laboratories for IPv6 compliance in non-Wi-Fi-enabled products. This update, published under announcement SQASI/CMCS/1/25/0001, establishes a clear pathway for full approval of IPv6 cellular equipment and other applicable mediums.  Changes to IPv6 Certification End of Interim Approval  The…

brazil regulatory update on top of globe graphic

Brazil: New Certification Rules for IoT and Emerging Technologies

The National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) has established new certification requirements for Access Terminal Stations (ETA) and cellular mobile devices to incorporate emerging technologies to support Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Act No. 2105 was issued on February 14, 2025, to expand the connectivity options for terrestrial and satellite based IoT solutions.   Key Updates in Certification…

Malaysia Regulatory Update Graphic

Malaysia: New Requirements for Fixed Wireless Systems in the 7725-8275 MHz Band

Malaysia’s Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has issued new regulations for Fixed Wireless Systems (FWS) operating in the 7725 MHz to 8275 MHz frequency band. These guidelines aim to enhance spectrum efficiency, minimize interference, and support network infrastructure for transport (trunking) and mobile backhaul networks.  Technical and Compliance Standards All FWS equipment operating within…

mexico regulatory update graphic over world picture

Mexico: Federal Telecommunications Institute Modifies 2025 Frequency Band Program

Mexico’s Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) has modified the Annual Program for the Use and Exploitation of Frequency Bands for 2025. This adjustment reflects the country’s evolving telecommunications and broadcasting landscape and aims to promote competition, ensure efficient spectrum use, and enhance public access to information services.  These modifications are being implemented as part of broader…

Malaysia Regulatory Update Graphic

Malaysia: Release of Class Assignments No. 1 for 2025

On January 20, 2025, Malaysia’s Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) released Class Assignments No. 1 for 2025, outlining a set of devices that are eligible for use under class assignments without requiring an application. These devices are subject to specific conditions outlined in the class assignment and importantly, no fees are required for class…

Indonesia regulatory update on globe

Indonesia: New Regulation Recognizes Foreign Test Laboratories for Telecom Certification

The Ministry of Communication and Digital (KOMDIGI) in Indonesia has introduced Ministerial Decree KOMDIGI No. 13 Year 2025, establishing a framework for recognizing foreign test laboratories in the certification process for telecommunications equipment. This decree, which was enacted on January 15, 2025, was signed by Minister Meutya Viada Hafid.  Requirements for Foreign Testing Laboratories To…

brazil regulatory update on top of globe graphic

Brazil: ANATEL Issues Resolution 772 on Frequency Band Allocation

Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) has implemented Resolution 772, redefining the allocation, destination, and distribution of frequency bands across the country. This regulation, which took effect on February 3, 2025, replaces Resolution 759 and aligns with the Plan for Allocation, Destination, and Distribution of Frequency Bands in Brazil (PDFF).  Key Changes Under Resolution 772 Resolution…

thailand regulatory update graphic

Thailand: NBTC Public Hearing on Frequency Allocation for International Mobile Telecommunications Services

On February 6, 2025, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) hosted a public hearing focused on the draft announcement for granting permission to use radio frequencies for international mobile telecommunications services in Thailand. The meeting was held to discuss the allocation of frequencies for six key bands: 850 MHz, 1500 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100…

brazil regulatory update on top of globe graphic

Brazil: Anatel Moves Toward AI Regulatory Sandbox for Telecommunications

The National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) is making strides toward establishing an institutional regulatory sandbox aimed at testing governance models for artificial intelligence within the telecommunications sector. This initiative was outlined by Anatel board member Alexandre Freire during a seminar on digital convergence held on February 10th, 2024. Freire emphasized the importance of a controlled environment where…

mexico regulatory update graphic over world picture

Mexico: New Technical Provision IFT-016-2024 for Low-Power Radiocommunication Devices

The Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) of Mexico has issued Technical Provision IFT-016-2024, which establishes new technical specifications for low-power radiocommunication devices that operate within the 30 MHz to 3 GHz frequency range. This provision aims to regulate devices that utilize radio spectrum frequencies for various applications, including digital communication, wireless microphones, hearing assistance devices, and…