We’ve got you covered with the latest and upcoming regulation changes happening around the world! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest developments within the industry. Check out our April Regulatory Newsletter below!
Telecommunications (Labelling Notice for Customer Equipment and Cabling)
In December 2022, the Australian authority amended the Telecommunications Labeling Notice to enable the use of a QR code (or similar) as an alternative form of a compliance label. This was done to achieve better consistency among the labeling requirements.
New Australian Telecommunications Standards
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) issued a new Telecommunications Technical Standard (Mobile Equipment Air Interface Technical Standard 2022), replacing the current Telecommunications Standard 2018 and mandating the industry standard for 5G technology. The new Mobile Equipment Standard applies to equipment that is designed or intended for use in connection with a public mobile telecommunications service and/or a satellite service, therefore applies to any device which supports 2G, 3G, LTE and/or 5G technologies.

The Technical Standard 2022 mandates compliance with the following applicable industry standard:
• For any cellular device – “AS/CA S042.1:2022 – Requirements for connection to an air interface of a Telecommunications Network – Part 1: General
• For any cellular device that uses 3G/4G technology – “AS/CA S042.4:2022- Requirements for connection to an air interface of a Telecommunications Network— Part 4: IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced Customer Equipment”
• For any cellular device that uses 5G technology – “AS/CA S042.5:2022 – Requirements for connection to an air interface of a Telecommunications Network— Part 5: IMT-2020 Customer Equipment”
For example, if a device is an IMT product that uses 3G/4G technology and 5G technology, then AS/CA S042.1:2022, AS/CA S042.4:2022 and AS/CA S042.5:2022 are the applicable industry standards.
The commencement date was 22nd December 2022, however, there is a transition period for the amending the equipment or replacement standard that lasts for 12 months.
ANATEL Published New Act 17087.
Act 17087 will replace Act 950 by updating the electrical safety standard for telecom devices- (effective December 27th, 2023). The main changes are related to new marking requirements, small adjustment in the acoustic shock testing level, updated definitions, and updated reference standards. In general, the testing levels keep the same, only Protection against Acoustic Shock had its level reduced.
Below is a summary of the main changes:
- The Act defines the of “end user” and “consumer of telecommunication service” as Any person who uses and/or has contact with the product and who does not have specialized technical knowledge about the telecommunication equipment and who is only interested in the job of its functionalities and in the consumption of telecommunication services.
- Safety testing is applied to all telecommunication devices intended to be installed where the end user has direct, unrestricted, and unlimited access to the equipment. Example: interior of buildings (residential and commercial), interior of vehicles or aircraft without restricted access.
- Protection against Acoustic Shock testing level reduced from 1.5kV to 1.0kV. This testing is only applied to devices that have an external telecommunications port (ex. PSTN, FXO port) and electroacoustic transducer intended to produce audible sound and intended for direct coupling to the user’s ear.
- Devices directly connected to the mains power (AC), the equipment marking must show the nominal voltage, current and/or power and frequency values. For those devices connected to the main power through an external power adapter sold with the equipment, the markings mentioned above must be shown on the power adapter label.
- Devices powered by battery that allow its replacement by the end user must have the instructions to perform this procedure in its user manual.
- The warning for Class I equipment (*) can now be inserted in the user manual, so manufacturer can choose to add it on the product label or in its manual. (*) Class I equipment: telecommunications equipment whose protection against electric shock is obtained through basic insulation and the connection of the equipment to the grounding system of the building where it is used.
- Mobile phones sold without a power adapter; the user manual must contain a guideline alerting to use only power supplies homologated by ANATEL.
ANATEL Published New Act 2436
ANATEL published the new Act nº 2436 with cyber security requirements for assessing the conformity of CPE (Customer Premises Equipment). This new Act came into force on March 10th, 2024.
This Act establishes a set of mandatory cybersecurity requirements CPE devices used to connect to the Internet service provider’s network, such as:
- Cable modem;
- xDSL modem;
- Router or modem intended for fixed wireless access (FWA – Fixed Wireless Access);
- Router or modem for fixed broadband access via satellite;
- Wireless router or access point.
The main requirements are related to:
1) Requirements for passwords;
2) Defense requirements against unauthorized access attempts;
3) Requirements for vendors, such as requiring a Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Policy and policies for releasing software/firmware updates to fix security vulnerabilities.
All these requirements are aligned to ANATEL Resolution nº 740, ANATEL Act nº 77, NST Special Publication 800-63B, Broadband Forum – TR-181 Issue-2, ISO/IEC 29147:2018, ISO/IEC 30111:2019, among other standards for cybersecurity.
In 2020, the Chinese Ministry of Industry & Information Technology (MIIT) drafted new “Regulations on the Administration of Radio Transmission Equipment” which proposed changes to the 2016-version. After feedback from the industry was collected and incorporated, the new version was published as Order No. 57 in December. It is currently showing July 2023 as the date of implementation.
In January 2023, MIIT also published guidance (in Chinese) for the regulations. Some of the key points/changes are:
- Reducing the time for SRRC type approval review and certificate release to 15 working days.
- Increasing the validity period of type approval (for certain categories) to more than 2 years and less than 5 years
- Allowing the applicant to self-compile the type of approval code documentation (MIIT ID).
- For domestic manufacturers, providing a system (MIIT No. 314) for ‘self-inspection’ and ‘self-certification
- Micro-power short distance devices are no longer exempt from SRRC Type Approval and must now comply with the technical requirements described in MIIT No. 52.
- The user manual shall include the wording: “The use of micro-power short-distance radio transmission equipment shall comply with the relevant regulations of the State on Radio Management”.
- Devices must be labelled with a special logo. (The regulation for this is expected to be available before July 1, 2023)
On January 4, 2023, MIIT opened a Public Consultation on Draft Regulation on 900 MHz Band RFID and UWB Equipment. The purpose of this was to promote the development of the radio industry, improve the efficiency of spectrum use, and strengthen the management of radio transmission equipment, the Radio Management Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized the “Regulations on the Application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology in the 800/900MHz Band (Trial)” (No. 2007 No. 205) and the revision of the Regulations on Frequency Use of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Technology (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology No. 2008 354)
Congo ARPCE has announced that 1 normal sample will now be required for all RF and Telecommunication devices applying for certification.
Cote D’ivoire
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Ivory Coast (ARTCI) has announced that samples are no longer required for new projects or renewals. This news comes as part of an effort to streamline the certification process. However, ARTCI will still reserve the right to request a sample at their discretion.
On January 4, 2023, the Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology (SDPPI) opened a public consultation to collect input on the Regulatory Implementation Plan for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Tests on Telecommunication Devices in Indonesia.
SDPPI invited stakeholders, including telecommunications equipment vendors, telecommunications equipment testing laboratories, academics, and the public to provide input on the plan for implementing the mandatory SAR testing of telecommunications equipment through February 3, 2023.
The implementation of the SAR testing obligation is planned by SDPPI starting in the fourth quarter of 2023.
Update Regarding 5925-6425 MHz Band
On February 16th, 2023, the Institute of Federal Telecommunications (IFT) published an announcement titled “EL PLENO DEL IFT CLASIFICA LA BANDA DE 5925-6425 MHz COMO ESPECTRO LIBRE”.
The main purpose of the announcement was to classify the frequency band 5925-6425 MHz (known as the segment of Wi-Fi 6E that will allow its use by the public without the need for license from the regulator). It is noted that, within the operating conditions of this unlicensed spectrum, its usage is determined for indoor low-power system and for both indoor and outdoor of very low-power system.
IFT has authorized the frequency band 5925-6425 MHz. The Official Gazette of the Federation (Diario Oficial de la Federación, DOF) with more RF details should be published soon.
The regulatory agency will continue to follow up on the evolution of wireless access systems and mobile communication technologies operating at 6425-7125 MHz. The use of this part of the frequency band will be granted based on market demand.
Single Certificate of Conformity
The Federal Telecommunications Institute of Mexico (IFT) will require a Single Certificate of Conformity for all standards and/or technical dispositions that apply to a product starting of December 27, 2022. Several NOM CoCs will no longer be issued, and only a unique certificate (Certificado Ú nico), which indicates all the standards and/or technical dispositions applied to a product, will be used to apply for IFT approval.
Designated Certification Bodies that are not currently accredited and authorized in all those complementary Technical Provisions and Official Mexican Standards with which a specific product must demonstrate compliance will have a period of 365 calendar days after the publication of this Agreement in the Official Gazette of the Federation to be accredited in (December 27, 2022); the foregoing to the effect that they are in a position to issue the Single Certificate of Conformity, in accordance with the provisions of article 7 of this Agreement, as well as in section II of article 11 of the “Conformity assessment procedure in matters of telecommunications and broadcasting” published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on 02/25/2020
Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) of Singapore as opened a public consultation on the proposed allocation of the 6 GHz spectrum band for RLAN / Wi-Fi use in Singapore.
IMDA proposes to allocate the lower 500 MHz of the 6 GHz band, i.e., 5,925 MHz – 6,425 MHz, for RLAN / Wi-Fi use. All submissions must have been provided to IMDA by March 14th, 2023.
MTIT is experiencing extended lead times as they reopen their certification process.
MIC has released Circular 22/2022/TT-BTTTT issuing QCVN 18:2022/ BTTTT Technical Regulation on Electromagnetic Compatibility for Radio Communication Equipment. This new standard will replace QCVN 18:2014/BTTTT and references to ETSI EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3 (2019-11).
Implementation date: July 1, 2023
Target devices: WWAN 5G, Radar 76-77GHz, SRD over 4GHz only.
Reason for change: Vietnam RF EMC regulation updated according to the updated EN regulation (ETSI EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3 (2019-11).)
Note: This updated specification does not affect the current certification process. VNTA Type Approval certificate is a process to receive approval after RF test. However, as a document to be submitted when proceeding with import SDoC, RF EMC report is submitted, and the applicable device must submit a local test report according to QCVN 18:2022/BTT TT.