Lunar New Year regulatory update

Asia: Certification Delays Expected Due to Lunar New Year

The upcoming Lunar New Year celebrations across several Asian countries are expected to cause minor delays across all public sectors, which could impact ongoing certification projects. Businesses should anticipate possible slowdowns in processing times during this festive period.  Countries & Cultural Observations Certification delays may occur in the following countries: China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia,…

australia regulatory update graphic

Australia: Planning Options for Upper 6 GHz Band Finalized

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) released an options paper in June 2024, seeking input on how best to utilize the upper 6 GHz band (6425–7125 MHz) for Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) and Wide-Area Wireless Broadband (WA WBB) services. The paper presented four potential planning approaches and the subsequent decision on what to…

serbia regulatory update

Serbia: Changes to Radio Equipment Conformity Assessment

The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL) will no longer perform conformity assessments for radio equipment starting January 1, 2025. This change aligns with Article 32, paragraph 4 of the Rulebook on Radio Equipment (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 24/24). Until this date, RATEL will continue processing requests submitted…